In case you haven't noticed...
(too old to reply)
Robert Tkaczyk
2009-04-02 22:03:35 UTC
ANNOUNCEMENT: Forums will be unavailable for planned system maintenance starting at 3pm PST on April 3, 2009. New forums will be online on Monday April 6, 2009.

2009-04-02 22:02:24 UTC
May of us are reading this with a newsreader and have no idea what you are
referring to. Please explain.

2009-04-03 01:57:58 UTC
The new forums will not support newsreader access, at least, not at first.

2009-04-03 02:00:59 UTC
Post by D***@adobeforums.com
at least, not at first
Ah, Dave has given us a glimpse of hope!
2009-04-03 09:04:26 UTC
Post by D***@adobeforums.com
The new forums will not support newsreader access, at least, not at first.
Well, bye, everyone. It's been fun.
Kenneth Benson
Pegasus Type, Inc.
2009-04-03 02:06:53 UTC
Yeah Kenneth, I was thinking the same thing. But I know I'll still come
back even if they never add newsreader support. But I definitely will
not be able to come as often. It just takes way too long to fiddle
through web pages :(.
2009-04-03 02:15:29 UTC
Yeah, sure, I'll come back when I need something. But I won't be here
looking for questions to answer. I do this for fun, and because I learn
a lot just seeing what questions people ask. But it's important to
balance fun and work, and I don't see myself skimming through every
question in a web format.
Kenneth Benson
Pegasus Type, Inc.
2009-04-03 03:16:28 UTC
I greatly dislike web-page forum access, but it's how I access this forum. Newsreaders are a fading tech, much as I hate to say it. Usenet is all but dead and there's no good replacement on the horizon.

But I'll be here in what will no doubt be a much prettier and shinier interface. :P
2009-04-03 09:45:52 UTC
prettier and shinier ...

Avatars! Ratings! HTML! "Open" and "Answered" status! A Top Participants list! Tabs on your number of posts! A description per user ("Employee", "Expert", "Nitwit" (?))! A "Report Abuse" button!


But it's not all bad. Check these out: A real Embed Code! Possible to attach a number of files directly --all images, and perhaps even a few binary ones (haven't checked that deep; it certainly could be useful to attach PDFs and original ID files).

Harbs wrote Hey Jongware,

You lost your name too?

Oh no -- My secret identity has been comprimized!
2009-04-03 13:52:33 UTC
Newsreader folks, don't disappear.

You can subscribe to the forums and receive posts as email, either when they're posted, or as digests. I read mine in Gmail. The emails have links to the forums as well as preserving links in the posts, and displaying screen shots whose links are embedded.



Peter Gold
KnowHow ProServices
2009-04-03 14:18:18 UTC
What Peter G. said, with the further caution that some ISP (like mine, Comcast) have apparently blocked the IP of at least the test version of the forums as being spam so you never see the email that gets sent. If that's happening to you, a dedicated gmail account seems to be one answer.

Many of the regulars who have been participating in the preview are unhappy (we all hate change to one degree or another, and these forums have worked pretty well...), but this change is happening regardless of how we feel, and I've adopted the attitude that it may be slower, but people still need our help, so we should do the best we can.

I hope those of you who have been active helpers in the past can get beyond the inconvenience and will continue to participate. I know I value your input, and all of those you've help do, too, even we don't always remember to say thank you.

2009-04-03 18:37:23 UTC
Well, bye, everyone. It's been fun.

-- Kenneth Benson Pegasus Type, Inc. www.pegtype.com"

Don't go!!! Your posts have been a huge help to me! I'm sorry about the newsreader problem. That really stinks. :-( But I sure hope you'll continue on at least some of the time. I know I've learned a ton from you!

I appreciate all the contributions from everyone and have learned so much here. I hope most of you are sticking around!!!

Thanks, Phyllis
